W piątek 04.09.2015, została uruchomiona rejestracja na pierwszą edycje Code4Life – wyjątkową konferencję programistyczną z udziałem światowej klasy prelegentów z branży IT.
Konferencja odbędzie się 23 października 2015 r. w Fabryce Trzciny – Centrum Artystyczne w Warszawie.
Code4Life to 3 światowej klasy prelegentów, w tym roku wydarzenie uświetnią m.in. Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, autor Java Champion oraz profesor University of Houston, Greg Young, niezależny konsultant, kontrybutor w serwisie InfoQ oraz szkoleniowiec w Skills Masters oraz Dino Esposito autor wielu topowych książek o technologi .NET.
Tematy prelekcji:
#1 The Art of Simplicity – prowadzący Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
We’ve been told to keep things simple. It turns out, that’s easily said than done. Creating something simple is, well, not really that simple. If simple was sitting next to us, would we even recognize it? Is my design simple, is yours simple? How can we tell? That’s a simple question, but the answer to it is… well come to this talk to find out.
#2 Core Software Design Principles for Programmers – prowadzący Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
We’ve been told to keep things simple. It turns out, that’s easily said than done. Creating something simple is, well, not really that simple. If simple was sitting next to us, would we even recognize it? Is my design simple, is yours simple? How can we tell? That’s a simple question, but the answer to it is… well come to this talk to find out.
#3 The impact of UX on software architecture and design – prowadzący Dino Esposito
One of the most dramatic changes brought by the Internet is the ease with which demand and supply could match. This is now a consolidated aspect in business and life, but what about software architecture? Software more and more is expected to reflect real life so demand and supply as in the real world must match. This just assigns a growing importance to the user experience and to systems designed around a solid UX that is just what the user likes. Such as basic fact has, however, a surprising number of side effects on the role of technology, methodologies involved, design and architecture patterns, and the to-do list of software architects and engineers. Right from the battlefield, this session gives you a quick summary of the principles for managing and building software effectively today
#4 Pros and Cons of Responsive Web Design – prowadzący Dino Esposito
All customers want web sites that can be easily consumed on a variety of devices. We developers call this “responsive”. Responsive is quite a vague term though and lends itself to a number of interpretations. Responsive is, for example, a browser-led solution that uses CSS media queries and libraries like Bootstrap. Responsive is a solution that builds every page on the client using custom JavaScript logic and libraries like AngularJS.
#5 Polyglot Data – prowadzący Greg Young
Polyglot Data. Never heard of it? I am not very surprised. We have many problems that we are forced to solve. Many concepts work in our current models, many do not. Picking the wrong model can lead to massive amounts of accidental complexity.
#6 Lessons learned in production – prowadzący Greg Young
Production is hard. In production things are different. In this talk we will look through lots of ideas and differences between what developers tend to see and what happens in production. We will also cover things like improving quality in our software.
Wszystkie prelekcje prowadzone będa w języku angielskim. Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny, ale liczba miejsc ograniczona.
Rejestracji dokonywać można za pośrednictwem strony eventu code4life.pl (liczba miejsc ograniczona).
Organizatorem konferencji jest szwajcarski holding Roche.
Więcej informacji: http://code4life.pl/
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